As you guys know... well, I’m talking about those who follow me on Instagram, I am currently in Puerto Princesa, Philipines and writing this post here excitingly! It’s been two days filled with so many things and I couldn’t wait to share with you.

I don’t really blog while I am travelling, for some reasons either I am really blending with the nature and gets super lazy, or I don’t have the time, but this is an exception and I just want to blog about this particular topic, I want to share you guys my experience travelling with Cebu Pacific Air!

Cebu Pacific Air is Philippine’s very own humble low-cost carrier. When you hear “low-cost carrier”, I guess it’s just the perfect alternative for backpackers and budget travellers. I took the midnight flight to Manila and took the connecting flight to Puerto Princessa. It was a decent flight and fortunate enough, didn’t experience any displeasing moments, so far were so good and I mean until today!

Okay, I did appreciate how on time they were! I gotta admit I kinda underrate airlines lately because of how often they are in delaying, so my flight was on 12:30 AM and the boarding hour was on the 12 AM (their standard is 30 minutes before the departure time) and I spent the whole time in Starbucks until 11:50 PM! I didn’t know what came into me but I suddenly experienced this strange belief that I should go to the boarding gate right that second and suddenly panicking, especially when I realized it’s just 10 freaking minutes before the boarding time! Normally I would start walking to the boarding gate on the printed hour and got “lucky”, this time I almost got left behind because I was THE LAST, literally THE LAST.

Lesson to learn: it’s not okay to underestimate so I promise I won’t do it again me naughty boy! Tsk tsk!

After drops of sweat and few calories burned later, I finally made it. Lucky enough I got seated on the first row so I had extra leg room and I didn’t ask for it.

They didn’t have any steward, but they have four occupied beautiful stewardess with their million dollar smile all the way to the arrival. I must admits, based on the two flights, me and Julia (oh I travelled with Julia from Anak Jajan) agreed that Cebu Pacific Air's stewardess were pretty & beautiful, and they represent gorgeous Philippine women. They were smilish even on the midnight flights! Just something that I appreciated because the last thing that I want to see when I got very sleepy is grumpy stewardness. Major no no!!!
 Stewardess showcasing the safety procedure

I was also impressed by how they came up with this amazing idea and I am talking about the giveaway quiz they held on the air, so basically they gave away these cute slim purses, but to win them, the passengers should be able to answer some questions given – if I am not mistaken, it was something about the language and the nationality – I just think it’s a good initiative from them.

I might not experience the in flight dining, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t have any! You could pre-order the in flight meal on their website and they’re serving International menu such as rice, pastas, meats and certains for vegans! However, I did shop for drinks here for relatively affordable price, just PHP 30 (IDR 9k) for this!

Tips: better pay in Philippine Peso (PHP) to prevent the higher currency exhange stated by them. I did ask how much they would charge me if I paid in IDRs and the difference was quite “noticable”.

The safe and sound flight

 Some random shots I took along the flight

4 hours later, I arrived in NAIA! Got picked up by this shuttle bus to transfer me to the transit terminal
Greeted by handcraft necklace made from shells, but I’ll show it on the next post haven’t taken the pic :p, not only that, also greeted by the graceful harmonies from these amazing musicians!
 Didn’t have a lot of time as I had another flight to catch! Fast forward, 1 hour later I arrived at Puerto Princesa!
 Just so you know, Puerto Princesa is written with one “s” not two like princess, so random but you just need to know!

Just when you think the good flight was amazing,I have more exciting stories to tell ya but let’s just put it as a wrap for this post.

Okay, here are some teasers for the upcoming blog posts! I am preparing everything so please stay tuned <3.

and more of me of course! LOL!

I am going to be sharing more stories as I’ll be flying back to Jakarta using Cebu Pacific Air as well but in the mean time, let me have my moment and cherish the days here in Philippine. Leaving Puerto Princesa tomorrow morning L got a super early flight to catch, but I am very excited for Manila!!!

KTHXBYE!!! XOXO, kiss kiss from the Philippines!

Info: The Philippines’ largest airline, Cebu Pacific Air flies from Jakarta to Manila four times weekly, and from Denpasar to Manila  twice weekly. Lowest year-round fares to to Manila start at USD 99. From the same Manila Airport Terminal 3, passengers can easily connect to any of three daily Puerto Princesa flights.  For more details, visit www.cebupacificair.comor follow @CebuPacificAir on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


7 komentar:

  1. Can't wait for the next post!! If you have a chance to visit Quiapo in Manila, don't forget to try Muod Halal Chicken! It's just a small shop but the chicken tastes really really great! Recommended!

  2. You naughty boy..! Tsk tsk.. :D

  3. tsk tsk kamu cowok nakal

  4. Nice Pic about Your EXPERIENCE FLYING WITH CEBU PACIFIC AIR ..............

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