A few days ago I went to this newly opened coffee shop in Sunter called Atomic Espresso Bar. Thought I wanna briefly share my experience with you here.

Atomic Espresso Bar is located in a Sunter neighborhood located just behind Satya Negara hospital. For your information it’s a very well known hospital and medical center with specialization in nerve problems. My family is a loyal customer to the hospital and it’s really recommended.
I am not exactly familiar with Sunter and around, and if I can, I choose not to go to the North Jakarta, especially Kelapa Gading because the traffic is so disgusting, even worse on bad days, when I think Roxy and Thamrin are bad enough, my experience travelling to the north is so cringe-worthy. Back to me being not familiar, I used “Waze” to help me direct the road, it might not be exactly accurate but Waze will lead you to the coffee shop, only it’s located towards the end of the road, not in the middle. 
From outside it didn’t have that coffee shop atmosphere, that because the coffee shop was actually located inside an office building with an actual reception area located in front of the entrance making it less casual, Atomic Espresso Bar is located at the right.
The coffee bar area was quite small but somehow homey. I prefer having my coffee there instead of the main sitting area which to me felt like a karaoke waiting room… appreciated the unique round chairs tho (they’re pretty!), I don’t know, sometimes I just feel happier and better when having my coffee somewhere with better lighting.

I get asked a lot on how to create vintage film like tone? Well that’s the magic of Photoshop. I have actually shared you guys a few posts on how to create vintage tone, take a look and don’t be lazy, it’s about experimenting J 
They currently have an on going promotion where every drink is IDR 25k, had some of their signature coffee and best sellers here. I forgot to ask what kind of beans they’re using so I actually had no freaking idea, all I can remember was that the coffee had this decent acidity and good aftertaste.

It’s their signature coffee drink creation here consisting of espresso rocks (ice cubes) served with steamed frothy full cream milk and syrup if you fancy. THIS WAS STRONG with bold coffee flavor.
Cappuccino (double ristretto)
First of all, GORGEOUS latte art, I actually like the balance of the coffee flavor, but something about the overall presence that didn’t scream “creamy” for me. It was just a tad watery, but I believe it’s something you can fix as the flavor was actually quite there yet.
Ketan Hitam Latte 
Now this was my favorite on the bunch! The ketan hitam latte could potentially be mistaken as a taro latte (and from the color too), but when you pay attention to details, you might notice that flavor point where it’s really that signature “ketan hitam” flavor (don’t know how to explain it). I like everything from the flavor, creaminess to the sweetness. A must try!
 Pair their drinks with their beautiful quiche, had the BBQ Chicken and Chicken Potato Cheese flavor (both IDR 32k) and both were equally nice. The BBQ one had this bolder flavor (you got the savory with a hint of sweet and just a little bit of tangy) while the Chicken Cheese was somehow a bit expected.

Another one in the north and I believe more to come, in the mean time best of luck Atomic Espresso Bar!

Atomic Espresso Bar
Jalan Sunter Agung Utara 24 Blok B No. 13-14
Sunter, Kelapa Gading
Jakarta Utara
021 - 651 8716
Opening hours: 9 AM (daily)
Average spending for two: IDR 100k
Dresscode: casual


Map for Atomic Espresso Bar

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