3 REASONS WHY I LOVE MAMASUKA RUMPUT LAUT PANGGANG by Hans Danials on 12.14.00 If you’re an avid fan of rumput laut (seaweed) snack raise your hands and also you’re on the right entry because I am going to share to ...
BANBAN TEA - LIPPO MAL PURI by Hans Danials on 03.05.00 I think it was 2017 where the cheese tea trend started to get really big (even though brands like KOI/Share Tea have started it long way ...
SO FASHION JAKARTA - MAL TAMAN ANGGREK by Hans Danials on 11.07.00 This post is going to be a brief review of this newly opened PINK themed cafe called So Fashion in Mal Taman Anggrek that I visited earl...