Hello my dearly beloved readers! How is your fasting doing? If you follow my Instagram, I’ve been giving recommendations to you guys on where to go to “ngabuburit” or to break your fasting, and along with series of restaurants that is in Jakarta, one particular restaurant remains close with the heart, the good old Bakmi GM!

I bet Bakmi GM needs no more introduction as it IS one of the strongest players in Indonesia’s F&B scene, like literally everytime they open their new outlet, customers are always packing the spots, I found that very awesome how they’ve survived the business even from the era where there was no social media, while some restaurants in town really rely themselves on the social medias! I guess quality is always the reason, right?
I actually wonder how do you like to “break fast”? Do you like to do it at malls with your friends? Or you’re the family person where you go home every single day and spend it with your family member? Over 8 million Jakartans and I think each family has their own issue with breakfasting, let’s say you’re a working husband and wife and since you work office hour and you need to catch home before 6 PM (after all the crazy traffic and stuff), and eventually no one cooks, you don’t wanna stay hungry, right? That’s when I have the solution..

Bakmi GM is now having their new delivery service hotline: 1.500.667!

Well, I don’t do fasting, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t do Bakmi GM (if that doesn’t sound wrong to you). I just can’t resist noodle and all that goodness, and I’ve been saying it out loud on my posts, and imagine right now as you’re reading this, Bakmi GM’s Bakmi Special with tasty sauce, tender chicken and mushroom, and pair it with their crunchy pangsit goreng (fried wonton) with that sweet and mild-sour sauce. OMG I’m drooling I’m ordering another round!
The delivery service was easy, smooth and attentive. From the time I dialed the number and placed the order, it took me only 20 minutes for them to arrive at my home! I think I was also lucky because I live not too far from Bakmi GM, but one thing that I was very happy about was how they really care about their customers, I think generally we all like our food to still be fresh and warm when it got served to us, and that’s exactly what happened, 20 minutes might be very fast when it comes to delivery service, but 20 minutes on the road might not always guarantee your food to be fresh, but I don’t know how they do it, I was just happy with the outcome <3.
Anyway, I ordered their specials: Bakmi Special GM (Bakmi GM special noodle), Pangsit Goreng (Bakmi GM fried wonton), Nasi Ayam GM (chicken and mushroom rice) and Nasi Goreng (Bakmi GM fried rice). Four delicious menus and that only cost me around IDR 110k ($9), happiness and satisfaction sometimes feels really affordable!
Their delivery service caters 30.000 daily customers around Jakarta, Bekasi, Depok ,Tangerang (and soon Bandung), but I have happy news for Bandung as they’re opening a branch in Cihampelas Walk! Check their official website for more details -> HERE.

Drool before you place the orders, their complete menu here -> HERE.

The fact how they’ve always been in our lives (even our parents or maybe grand parents) since a very long time ago, and how they constantly serve the most heartwarming comfort food are the reason why they always stay close to our hearts. Cheers to many many years to come!


7 komentar:

  1. Testimoni limefit

    Lime Fit menjadi serbuk minuman yang cocok dijadikan sebagai solusi untuk diri seseorang yang ingin memiliki tubuh langsing dan ideal namun tidak memberikan efek samping sama sekali.

    Meskipun sudah beredar luas obat pelangsing tubuh yang bisa ditemukan dengan mudah di pasaran, namun sangat disarankan bagi Anda untuk lebih berhati-hati dengan obat diet yang Anda konsumsi.

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