HOW I EDIT MY INSTAGRAM PICTURES (@EATANDTREATS) by Hans Danials on 10.40.00 This post will be the continuation/longer post of the my VSCOCam editing tutorial , I feel like I need to make an update simply because I...
HOGS BREATH INDONESIA - CENTRAL PARK by Hans Danials on 04.52.00 I am a food blogger, but that doesn’t necessarily means I know every single dining place in the whole universe, I still have so much to le...
CREAMY COMFORT CAFE BALI - SEMINYAK by Hans Danials on 07.06.00 I am honestly very happy to see Creamy Comfort is now expanding its business to a physical cafe, when I first stepped inside the cafe, it ...
THE REAL CHEESEBURGER PIZZA BY PHD by Hans Danials on 05.17.00 I tried this new creation by PHD just yesterday and I’m beyond excited to write and share so here I am doing! PHD, the pizza company spe...
SHABU GHIN JAKARTA - WOLTER MONGINSIDI by Hans Danials on 11.53.00 This month, emm especially this week is such a fun week for F&B! So many new places are opening in the middle of this bullshit eco...
LEGEND OF NOODLE PANTAI INDAH KAPUK (PIK) - JAKARTA by Hans Danials on 11.32.00 Today marks the soft-opening of the Legend of Noodle in Pantai Indah Kapuk! Yes you Northies might not need to take the trip down to Senop...
TAMOYA UDON JAKARTA by Hans Danials on 05.52.00 I have never been a big fan of udon, it’s just that I don’t really like thick and slimy type of noodle, but luckily, I AM a big soup perso...
FRISIAN FLAG CAFE AT FX SENAYAN - JAKARTA by Hans Danials on 12.06.00 I believe most of us grew up with Frisian Flag. It’s hard to deny their important existence in our life even before we barely spoke a word...
UPDATING RELATIONSHIPS? by Hans Danials on 10.09.00 All my life, I feel like it’s totally okay and normal for you to update on your relationship. Comparing to 2012, I am a completely changed p...
15 THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT DUBAI by Hans Danials on 05.41.00 My visit to Dubai left impressions that were totally unforgettable, well, a classic for a first timer! It’s undoubtedly one of the cle...