NGOPI DI MUSEUM AT MUSEUM BANK MANDIRI JAKARTA by Hans Danials on 05.31.00 Lately I've found myself liking to write daily short stories to share you guys in this blog and I found that a bit more personal &...
THE MORNING AFTER BRUNCH AT COMMON GROUNDS NEO SOHO by Hans Danials on 10.32.00 Before I start this mini-article I want to thank Hadi from Manual Jakarta for inviting me to The Morning After brunch earlier today at C...
KOPI SAGALEH: KOPI TUKU'S STRONGEST COMPETITOR?! by Hans Danials on 03.06.00 First knew about this when Andra Alodita tagged me on her Instagram Stories saying this coffee was crazy good and I've been wanting ...
INNISFREE INDONESIA REVIEW - FIRST IMPRESSIONS by Hans Danials on 04.02.00 This blog post is seriously HIGHLY requested and when I say highly requested literally every single day after I posted my purchase on my I...
#CERITASENSODYNE WITH SENSODYNE INDONESIA (WIN IPHONE 7+) by Hans Danials on 03.24.00 If people ask me what's the 'it' weapon to become a good food blogger, well aside from being able to write and take good food ...
SEMASA DI KOTA TUA - OLVEH BUILDING JAKARTA by Hans Danials on 07.10.00 Had a satisfying lunch at Padang Merdeka last week and realizing I was in the Kota Tua area and since I have been hearing buzz about this ...
AB STEAK BY CHEF AKIRA BACK JAKARTA by Hans Danials on 11.07.00 The arrival of this restaurant should be a bliss as well as warning to its peers, in just the count of days, precisely next week April 23...
BIJIN NABE BY TSUKADA NOJO INDONESIA - PLAZA SENAYAN by Hans Danials on 09.33.00 A few days ago a very good friend of mine asked me to go out & had a dinner with her at this place which I totally had no idea being...
DOUBLE CHEESY BITES PEPPERONI JALAPENO BY PHD INDONESIA by Hans Danials on 03.37.00 Recently PHD Indonesia just launched their latest addition to its evergrowing and impressive series of pizza creations, and this time they...
UNCLE TETSU SHOP INDONESIA - CENTRAL PARK, JAKARTA by Hans Danials on 02.00.00 The highly anticipated Uncle Tetsu Shop from Fukuoka, Japan is finally here! Following their success in Malaysia (and after 8 outlets spre...
SUNDAY WELL SPENT (APRIL 2ND 2017) - SANA COFFEE, MAOKI COFFEE & FOOD, LEON by Hans Danials on 04.07.00 Hi guys, this will be an entry about my well spent weekend yesterday and I spent the whole day doing cafe hopping with my good friends fro...
HARDWARE LANE - PLUIT, JAKARTA by Hans Danials on 09.57.00 This will be a short review of the newly opened cafe that I visited earlier today: Hardware Lane. Few reasons why this review will be sho...