The State of Fun? Sentosa it is! - HELP ME RAISE THE FLAG!

I have been to Sentosa island not once, nor twice but I’ve gone to Sentosa Island three times in my life and every visit was such an experience! It almost feels like everytime you go there, it always has something to offer to you, so it feels just like the first time :).

Sentosa is one of the places that you’ll going to need one or two days to surf, and trust me that roughly 5 km square island has so many things to offer starting from their impressive range of dining and entertainment spots or simply walking along enjoying the mild breeze ‘kissing’ my skin on the Sentosa Boardwalk while enjoying the beautiful sea view. Want something more eye-opening and pleasant when it comes to sightseeing? Try The Merlion! Standing beautifully 37 meters above the ground, it’s just the vantage spot for you to experience 360 degree view of Sentosa and around, not enough for you? Thank goodness for Tiger Sky Tower! 131 meters tall guaranteed to offer you the amazing view of not only Singapore, but the tip of Indonesia and Malaysia from its observation cabin!

I am very adventurous and I love something that’s a little more challenging, in a sense, crazy but still so much fun to it, then the perfect way to do it is taking the cable car, Skyline Luge Sentosa or the unforgettable experience with the iFly! I had such memorable time there, finally get the chance to actually ‘fly’! But I have no one to take my picture and plus it’s not easy to have your pictures taken while flying so I have no photos L, but really, at least you need to try once!

I believe Sentosa or (Singapore in general) is very well known for their tourism attractions and *ahem* shopping spree, but wait, you just haven’t seen their beaches and your perception of fun might be changing! I once went to all the beaches in Sentosa and I loved it, in a way they have each uniqueness, to be frank they might not have the grandest wave but I just love mild beaches! Siloso is where you can relax and tan while Palawan is a little more romantic because they have that connecting bridge you can walk over (gotta love that romantic walk) and if you’re up for the view, I highly recommend Tanjong Beach, and oh, don’t forget to visit the Tanjong Beach Club where you could have your favorite cocktails while enjoying the view in front of you.

So mild and so enjoyable during the night!

I love Sentosa for some reasons, one of the prime is the fact that it’s located in Singapore and it’s pleasant to know that when I suffer from acute boredom and tired of everything in J-town, Singapore is just 1,5 freaking hours away from Jakarta and literally few minutes away from Harbour Front and Vivo City by Sentosa Express!
I must not lie, most of my trips in 2014 are sponsored, I can’t thank my sponsors enough *wipe tears*, not only that I could explore one country and another, I could save up some money and even better, actually got PAID to travel, I'm such a lucky guy!

If only I am a santa, I would love to grant your wish and make them come true, but truth be told, I am giving away some cool prizes for the lucky winners!
BUT BEFORE THAT I want to ask you a favor.

On the day of the grand launching of “The State of Fun”, you could have the chance to redeem some fantastic rewards...
Without them it won’t be fun L

First, you’re going to have to use your personal Twitter and Facebook to register, there will be 5 tiers that you need to UNLOCK, starting from the palm tree to the “Firework, Orchestra and 100 VIP passes! To unlock these tiers, you just need to tweet and post on your Facebook account using the hashtag #thestateoffun (DON’T FORGET THE HASHTAG) until the tweets and posts reached the unlocking requirement amount. The more tiers unlocked, the BIGGER chance for you to unlock the rewards that you can redeem on the day of the grand launching!!!
Yes, it’s better if you have an existing passport because remember, you’re flying here if you’re lucky (grand prize winner).

PS: please note that the tweets and Facebook posts should be relevant with Sentosa or “The State of Fun” and an online lucky draw will be conducted for the 100 VIP exclusive fun VIP party passes!

Here are just the examples, you might want to paraphrase this:

Example tweets: I am so excited for the grand launching of #TheStateOfFun !

Example FB post: Your definition of fun might be changing after you visit #TheStateOfFun , come and celebrate the grand launching of Sentosa, #TheStateOfFun on June 7th and fingers crossed for the VIP tickets!!!

Do this for the remaining tiers and let all the rewards unlocked! PLEASE! So far we've reached the thirs tiers and just tweets away from the fourth tier to be unlocked and I HAVE A HUGE feeling that the 5th tier will be unlocked soon!!! So keep tweeting and sharing the posts on your FB with the hashtag #thestateoffun

Rewards Tier 1: Baloons
Rewards Tier 2: Popcorns
Rewards Tier 3: Temporary Rattoos and Candy Floss
Rewards Tier 4: Sentosa FUN Vouchers and Carnival Acts
Rewards Tier 5: Fireworks, Orchesta, and the exclusive 50 pairs of VIP Party Passes


This launch phase ends on June 04th 2014!

GOOD LUCK!!! I might see you there J.

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